Happy New Year 2015!

by Norman Leibovitz

So like any others, we went to for countdown as well! Yay!

Happy New Year 2015 guys!!

Happy New Year 2015 guys!!

It was fun counting down.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Happy New Year!

The last word most people say for the year is one and the first word most people say for the year is Happy. Go figure.

  Taken by me in 2009

Taken in 2009

Here’s a fireworks for you guys, taken by me in 2009 when I was still deeply into photography(now still, but more specialised 😉 HAHA)
I remembered waiting from 12pm to 12am just for these shots. LOL! So guys, appreciate it.

Before the countdown, we went to trick eye museum Singapore!

Ballerina. LOL

Ballerina. LOL

Strong Arm

Strong Arm









In my 22 years, 2014 is by far one of the more exciting year for me. Traveled to many places, doing things I like yet still able to commit to my National Service term which is going to end very soon next year in August.

Coming to Airforce then to Tengah was already something i’m very grateful for which i’m sure I will definitely miss after i ORD. I was then given the opportunity to help out with the Singapore Air Show 2014 as a exhibitor, helping with different COC, Tribute dinner, Anniversary dinner, etc, be it cue master, AV controls, photography, videos, and video production, you’ll be surprised that no job is too small/little however small/little you see your job may be. Best part is, the experience I’ve gained is huge, learning from how people managed, organised and executing them.

Airshow 2014

Airshow 2014

In August, my PES status was up from C to B, which means i have to start taking my IPPT. From not being able to do a single pull up and can’t jump past 190cm to at least a pass within a month. Very grateful for the people around me that spammed me with hacks and tips to pull and jumping and even went “training” with me. I’m really glad i managed to pass in-time to get my promotion from a CPL to 3SG. Going for RT every Saturday morning is super painful. Trust me.

Training for Pull up

Training for IPPT

Receiving the Commander’s Coin came as a huge surprise for me. Didn’t expect to even receive it. But i’m glad i did. It’s a huge recognition knowing all the hard work i’ve put in, going the extra mile, and even rushing the work out on weekends. Although i really don’t know who nominated me for it =X I’m really grateful for it.

Commander's Coin

Commander’s Coin

I also made a few trip overseas with my leaves. Made four fruitful trip with just 14 days of leave, clocking up to 28 days, multiplying twice my leave. Haha king of leave. No la. Just pair it with weekend and public holidays. Each and every trip is different with different friend. Driving(here and here) in Thailand made me realised the importance of friends, you can only go so far alone. I’m really glad I’ve decided to spent it on experience then any other thing else.


The way I see it, 2015 will only get better then 2014. Well, good or not, it all depends on you actually. Someone literally once told me, your altitude depends on your attitude. How high you want go, how good you want it to be, depends on you. But remember, all good things must come to an end.

What makes life valuable is that it doesn’t last forever. What makes it precious is that it ends. Good luck.

Till Then,